Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My first perl script

This is a perl script to scan a list of folders with certain name pattern, and retrieve certain information from specific file, then put into a CSV file and send a email to user with attachment.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#fine file name list and put into an array
use MIME::Lite;
sub findFile($);

sub sendEmail
my ($to, $from, $subject, $message) = @_;
my $sendmail = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
open(MAIL, "|$sendmail -oi -t");
print MAIL "From: $from\n";
print MAIL "To: $to\n";
print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n\n";
print MAIL "$message\n";

sub findFile($)
my $dirname = $_[0];
my @matches = ();
local *DIR;
opendir ( DIR, $dirname ) || print "failed to open dir";
while( ($filename = readdir(DIR))){
$entry = "$dirname/$filename";
if (-d $entry )
if ($filename =~ m/INBOX/ || $filename =~ m/^\d\d\d\d$/)
push @matches, findFile($entry);
if (-f $entry && $filename =~ m/^msg\d\d\d\d.txt$/)
# print"filename ==============","$filename\n";
push @matches, $entry;
return @matches;

@file_list = findFile("/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/voicemail/default");
# print @file_list;
#open an output file
#$out_file = '/tmp/tmp_file'; #define the name of output file
#open(OUT_FILE, ">$out_file");

$output_str = '';
#put head
#print OUT_FILE "Origbox, CallerId, OrigDate, Duration\n";
$output_str = $output_str."Origbox, CallerId, OrigDate, Duration\n";

#loop through file list
foreach $in_file_name (@file_list)
#open input file
open(IN_FILE, $in_file_name);
@lines = <IN_FILE>; #read file into an array

#loop through lines
%props = ();
foreach $_ (@lines)
if (/^origmailbox=/)
@entry = split(/=/, $_);
%props = (%props, origmailbox=>$entry[1]);
if (/^callerid=/)
@entry = split(/=/, $_);
%props = (%props, callerid=>$entry[1]);
if (/^origdate=/)
@entry = split(/=/, $_);
%props = (%props, origdate=>$entry[1]);
if (/^duration=/)
@entry = split(/=/, $_);
%props = (%props, duration=>$entry[1]);

if (length($props{"origmailbox"}) > 0) {
#print OUT_FILE "$props{origmailbox},$props{callerid},$props{origdate},$props{duration}\n";
$output_str = $output_str."$props{origmailbox},$props{callerid},$props{origdate},$props{duration}\n";

#finished job and close input file

my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
From => 'dev@abc.com',
To => 'tom@abc.com',
Cc => 'jerry@abc.com',
Subject => 'Fonality Voice Mail Box Statistics',
Type => 'multipart/mixed',

Type => 'TEXT',
Data => "Please see attached file for detail...",
Type => 'text/csv',
Data => $output_str,
Filename => "fonality.csv",


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